New podcast episode! Creating an anti-bullying culture across a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT)

17th October 2023 | Blogs | News | Podcasts

The latest episode of Thrive’s Connected podcast is celebrating National Bullying Prevention Month and Anti-Bullying Week. In this episode, we’re joined by Beryce Nixon, CEO of the Exceed Learning Partnership, who explains how her MAT creates an anti-bullying culture across its settings. As well as discussing how the curriculum plays an important role in creating this culture, Beryce also explains how a MAT-wide approach can support schools, while still giving them the freedom to respond to the needs of their own communities. 

“If you start from a bullying culture, all you are doing is educating around a specific incident or situation, whereas an anti-bullying culture encompasses the whole education of a child to make sure that children are well-educated around areas of society – that they understand about citizenship, their place in the world and their own identity and how that impacts on the way they behave and the choices they make,” said Beryce. 

Listen to the 21-minute podcast to discover: 

  • Why MATs need to take a preventative approach to bullying rather than simply tackling incidents as they arise 
  • How this culture can be created and embedded across a MAT so that it is truly effective 
  • The role of curriculum design and how this can bring the idea of difference into everyday conversations for children and young people 
  • How Thrive-Online helps the Exceed Learning Partnership to understand the individual needs of all pupils to create a safe, supportive environment for everyone

    Listen to the podcast here

    Over to you

    To get you started on ways to improve your setting's anti-bullying culture this National Bullying Prevention Month, Thrive is offering two free webinars around implementing an anti-bullying culture. The first webinar, on October 31, is aimed at MATs, local authorities and dioceses looking for strategic, multi-site level guidance, while the second, on November 7, is tailored specifically for educators and leaders within single settings, such as schools or colleges, searching for practical initiatives. 

    Click here to find out more. 

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