Senior Leader training

These virtual training courses for senior leaders cover the whole-school, right-time Thrive Approach to supporting wellbeing, preventing mental health issues and helping all children and young people access learning.

Training is designed to provide you with a strategic perspective to embed Thrive across a multi-academy trust or individual setting and to explain the role of Thrive-OnlineTM (TOL) for profiling, monitoring and progress-measuring.


Find a course that's right for  you

Senior Mental Health Lead (SMHL) training

Get DfE quality assured training for Designated Senior Mental Health Leads looking to embed a whole-setting approach to mental health and wellbeing.

Leading Emotionally Healthy Early Years Settings

This training course is for managers of nursery and pre-school settings working with very young children (aged from 0 to 5), who are looking to introduce a whole-setting approach to support their children's social and emotional development needs at this optimal time of rapid brain development.

Leading Emotionally Healthy Primary Schools

This training course is for senior leaders of primary settings using the English curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2 with children aged 5 to 11. The focus is on a whole-school approach to support age-appropriate social and emotional development for every child.

Leading Emotionally Healthy Secondary Schools

This training is for senior leaders of secondary settings with students aged 11 to 18 at Key Stages 3 to 5. The focus is on how we can harness the opportunities presented at adolescence when young people experience a burst of neuronal growth to promote mental wellbeing and their ability to learn.




 Contact us to discuss how the Thrive Approach can help you