Addressing Power Struggles in the Classroom

In this two-hour webinar you will discover how you can tackle power struggles in the classroom by drawing on insights from theoretical models and applying these to the classroom context.


At a glance

Duration icn

Course duration

2 hours

Delivery method

Delivery method



Suitable for

Thrive Licensed Practitioners



Worth 5 CPD points

Price icon

Price per place from

£72 excl. VAT



Course Outcomes

‘Addressing Power Struggles in the Classroom’ is worth 5 CPD points to Thrive Licensed Practitioners.

By the end of the course, you will have:

  • an understanding of some of the behaviours typical in late childhood and throughout adolescence that can cause some of the power struggles that arise in the classroom during these periods
  • a theoretical understanding of how power dynamics operate in relationships
  • an understanding of the relationship between the body’s stress responses and the different roles within power dynamics
  • an awareness of how you respond to power struggles and what you can do to transform those struggles into constructive interactions
  • gained a number of tips for applying theory into practice, including ways that you can stay regulated in difficult moments.

Who is it for?

Thrive Licensed Practitioners working with children at KS2 (primary) and young people (secondary).



The benefits of Thrive have been huge. I find that creating a really special relationship is key to everything. Once we have worked on that trust, that’s the beginning of it all."

Amelia Joyner. Leader. Cullompton Pre-School.



What you'll learn

In this two-hour webinar you will discover how you can tackle power struggles in the classroom by drawing on insights from theoretical models and applying these to the classroom context.

Specifically, you will have the opportunity to explore Stephen Karpman’s social model of human interaction – the drama triangle. This model helps us to understand how destructive power dynamics operate in relationships and what we can do to transform those dynamics into healthy ones. You will also learn about some of the factors that can increase the incidence of power struggles in the classroom, such as the developmental changes taking place in late childhood and throughout adolescence and the behaviours that commonly result.

Having explored the theory, the course will give you a number of practical tools to address power struggles in the classroom. It will help you to understand what power dynamics are at play and be aware of your role in those dynamics. It will provide you with helpful self-regulation strategies that you can use to stay calm during difficult moments. And it will provide you with practical tips on how to intervene in power struggles to transform difficult relationships into ones that are kind and connected.

    Course structure

    2-hour webinar.


    Dates and times

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