Softening the Prickles

Strong self-awareness and the capacity to stay calm, regulated and loving in the face of challenge are vital skills for being both an effective Thrive practitioner and a powerful leader and change-maker.


At a glance

Duration icn

Course duration

2 hours

Delivery method

Delivery method



Suitable for

Thrive Licensed Practitioners



Worth 5 CPD points

Price icon

Price per place from

£72 excl. VAT



Course Outcomes

'Softening the Prickles' is worth 5 CPD points to Thrive Licensed Practitioners.

This 2-hour webinar will give you:

  • Deeper knowledge of psychological defences and how they relate to interrupted development.
  • Greater empathy for and understanding of your own defences and those of others.
  • Ways of supporting yourself to stay centred in the face of difficulty.
  • Practice in how to overcome the defences of others through constructive ways of relating.

Who is it for?

This CPD webinar is ideal for all Thrive Licensed Practitioners further developing their self-awareness so they are better able to overcome the psychological defences they put up as well as those of their colleagues and the children and young people they work with.

Please note: prices are for courses running from 1 September 2023.



Thrive is a constant reminder about how important it is to know about neuroscience and how children’s brains are developing, especially during the early years. We can almost be like brain surgeons because children’s brains are able to forge new connections and adapt. What we do here really is shaping children’s futures."

Elizabeth Leer. Deputy Headteacher and Senco. Rothesay Nursery School.



What you'll learn

Overcoming psychological defences in yourself, your colleagues and the children you work with. Would you like to become a more effective leader and change-maker in your organisation?

Do you want to improve your relationships with your colleagues and the children you work with? Are you interested in deepening your own self-awareness? Strong self-awareness and the capacity to stay calm, regulated and loving in the face of challenge are vital skills for being both an effective Thrive practitioner and a powerful leader and change-maker.

However, when we feel threatened, our psychological defences can sometimes prevent us from being our best selves.

In this 2-hour webinar, we will be using the metaphor of the cactus to explore the nature of psychological defences, how and why they develop and what they are protecting. Using experiential exercises, you will have the opportunity to imagine into the psychological defences of the adults and children you work with, as well as reflecting on your own defences. You will then explore how you can support yourself to be your best self, even in challenging circumstances, and how you can help others to do the same.

    Course structure

    2-hour webinar.


    Dates and times

    Browse our upcoming courses below. To see the dates and times of each session, click the eye icon that says ‘click for more details’.


    Upcoming Scheduled Dates

     Contact us to discuss how the Thrive Approach can help you