#ThriveImpact: A school that has transformed into something 'truly magical'

26th May 2022| Blogs

By Gemma Adams, Thrive Licensed Practitioner at On Track Education, in Cambridgeshire, which has recently become a Thrive Ambassador School with Excellence in Environment.

I learnt about the Thrive Approach through my school after my senior colleagues had undertaken the Thrive Licensed Practitioner course. They came back full of knowledge, ideas and enthusiasm which intrigued me and I wanted to know more. Being offered the chance to attend the course by my headteacher was something I had wanted for a long time; I was excited and grateful for the opportunity. 

My whole experience of the course was positive; I remember arriving slightly late on my first day. I felt flustered, stressed and overwhelmed because of the long journey and then having to sit in a room with people I had never met whilst feeling that way. It was on this day I experienced the Thrive Approach first hand and realised the importance and the benefits of Thrive’s Vital Relational Functions. 

Last year On Track made huge investments by building a purpose-built nurture block in addition to our already amazing school. So, embedding Thrive in our school felt natural and with such a supportive and willing staff team, it has developed into something truly magical.


"Embedding Thrive in our school felt natural and with such a supportive and willing staff team, it has developed into something truly magical"


Things which have worked exceptionally well are the Thrive trays in every room filled with feathers, pipe cleaners and bits and bobs that could be made into something or nothing. These are brilliant to use as an immediate break from a tricky topic or question for the students. All the rooms also have Thrive boards, they include photos of staff and students enjoying extracurricular activities together, positive quotes and funny things. The boards are a reminder that good things happen and are great focal points to aid conversations. The environment is a reflection of how much we care and it shows our students that they are worth it and deserve somewhere that is welcoming, nurturing and safe; they deserve the best! 

Being awarded our first ambassador award is something we are incredibly proud of. When we got the confirmation that we had achieved it, the students cheered with the staff team, it was a wonderful moment to be a part of. 


"When we got the confirmation that we had achieved our first ambassador award the students cheered with the staff team, it was a wonderful moment to be a part of"



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