Thrive celebrates success at multiple education awards

25th April 2023 | Blogs

Thrive has been shortlisted for the School-Improvement Provider of the Year award at the 2023 Education Investor Awards - the latest in an incredible run of achievements at key education award ceremonies.

The Education Investor Awards celebrate the best in education, across categories including Advisory and Finance, Education Provision and Software and Services. Thrive is delighted to be shortlisted in a very competitive category and we’re looking forward to the awards presentation, in London, on June 14.

Thrive’s recent successful streak started at the end of 2022, when we won the overall Gold Award and the Digital Health and Wellbeing Learning Product of the Year Award at the Digital Education Awards 2022.

This was followed up by shortlistings in the Wellbeing, Digital Wellness & Safeguarding Resources category at the prestigious Bett Awards and in the Wellbeing Award category at the Education Resources Awards.

Our winning submission to the Digital Education Awards focused, in particular, on Thrive-Online, a powerful tool that Thrive training unlocks for educators. Using TOL, practitioners can create personalised action plans and monitor progress at pupil, class and whole school level, allowing for a data-based method of measuring and tracking progress that can be used to evidence a school’s approach to wellbeing. This is especially helpful to schools when it comes to Ofsted and Estyn inspections. 

Pupil voice

In our submissions for each of the awards, we have highlighted the positive impact that Thrive is making on 2,800 UK settings, across all age groups, quoting directly from schools about the improvements they have seen around attendance, staff morale, relationships with parents and carers, behaviour and attainment. We were especially proud to include feedback from some of the children and young people that Thrive has helped.

One Year 7 pupil told us about how the transition to secondary school during Covid had resulted in her feeling anxious about going to a new environment with teachers she didn’t know and whose facial expressions she couldn’t see due to them wearing face masks. She was having panic attacks in school and had started to try and avoid attending. She was also withdrawn and depressed at home. As a result of Thrive, she is happy in school and enjoying lessons. She has resumed the hobbies she loves including horse riding and dog training and plans to run her own business. “It’s easier to focus in school now. A lot of the lessons I didn’t like before, now I love them,” she said.

A Year 5 pupil at Hagley Primary School, in Worcestershire, recalled how he used to run under tables or out of class, or lash out at peers because he was unable to manage his anger. Now, he is calm, happy to be in lessons and is achieving a good level of academic attainment. He said: “The more I did Thrive, the less outrage I would feel. I’m happy to be in school now.”  


Why Thrive?  

Latest NHS figures show that more than 420,000 children are being treated for mental health problems, the highest on record. There is evidence that one in six young people now have a probable mental health disorder, up from one to nine before the pandemic (according to the Times Education Commission report).

In the midst of this wellbeing crisis, Thrive's unique approach to improving young people's learning and lives is needed more than ever.

Thrive offers training, online assessments, and expert strategies for working with pupils to improve attendance, behaviour and attainment (as well as supporting staff wellbeing).

2023 EducationInvestor Awards Finalist graphic 

Over to you

If you’d like to take attendance, behaviour and attainment to the next level in your setting, click here to book a Discovery Call with your regional expert. Designed to fit in around your schedule, these free 30-minute conversations via Teams give you a chance to have your questions answered, decide if our service is a fit for your needs, and identify if you qualify for a £1,200 DfE grant to spend in your setting.

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