Young autism advocate scoops Thrive-sponsored nasen award

19th October 2018| News

We are delighted to announce that the winner of this year's Young Person/Youth Achievement nasen Award is Jack Whitfield!

This year's nasen Award ceremony is hosted by the Waldorf Hilton Hotel in London. These Awards are a highlight of the nasen calendar and a celebration of those who go above and beyond to make a difference for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Tonight, 200 guests gathered to recognise and showcase all of the amazing work and initiatives carried out by individuals, schools, and organisations from across the UK to enable those with SEND to thrive.

Jack is a young man with autism who has dedicated his life and career to support others with the same condition. Those who work and live alongside him have praised him for his passion to allow everyone to have their voices heard.

Jack is studying for a Masters in Autism, works as a support worker and runs a social enterprise called 'Autism Assemble' operating in Torpoint in Cornwall, which specialises in bringing Autistic individuals onto the team for work experience. Based in Plymouth, Jack feels that the autism services available are inadequate. He has actively responded to this lacking, doing everything he can and consistently challenging himself to achieve more.

His positivity, spirit and hard work make Jack an incredibly worthy winner.

We would like to extend of congratulations to all those shortlisted and other category winners.

Click to find out more about nasen and this year's awards ceremony.

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