How Thrive-Online can transform wellbeing and reduce barriers to learning across a multi-academy trust

4th December 2023 | Blogs

Imagine there was a way to measure wellbeing across your multi-academy trust, identify where pupils are struggling and provide the support they need. Well, there is.

Thrive-Online is an award-winning profiling, action-planning and progress-monitoring tool that enables multi-academy trusts to prioritise mental health and wellbeing across their schools.

The easy-to-use tool identifies pupils’ social and emotional needs, creates targeted action plans for teachers and support staff, tracks progress over time, and provides clear evidence for continuous improvement work and inspection teams.


A consistent approach to supporting SEMH needs

Thrive-Online can be used across all schools and settings and provides a standardised approach to social, emotional and mental health needs. The trauma-sensitive strategies and activities are suitable for children and young people aged 0-25 years, and are effective in supporting pupils with additional needs and SEND.

The free online training module included in every subscription ensures that all staff understand how the platform works and why it’s being used. This helps settings to effectively roll out a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing, with no one slipping through the net.

Thrive-Online dashboard example

How does Thrive-Online work across a multi-academy trust?

1. Identify social and emotional needs

Schools can use Thrive-Online’s behaviour and skills surveys to profile groups, classes and individuals to see where they are in their social and emotional development and identify which pupils could benefit from additional support. This helps staff to plan where to focus their efforts and prioritise resource.

2. Implement targeted action plans

After identifying the needs of their pupils, practitioners can create action plans from practical strategies and activities to help young people to manage their behaviour, build emotional resilience and become more open to learning.

3. Monitor progress, report and demonstrate impact

Track the difference Thrive is making, share progress easily with key stakeholders and demonstrate return on investment. Schools are empowered to make data-informed decisions, identify best practice and share their learning with other settings in the organisation.

4. Connect attendance, behaviour and wellbeing data

Thrive-Online is the only wellbeing profiling tool in the UK to integrate seamlessly with your MIS platform, providing concrete data on the real impact of your investment.


Book a Thrive-Online demo

If you’re ready to transform wellbeing and remove barriers to learning across your trust, book a zero-obligation demo today.

Designed to fit in around your schedule, these free 30-minute conversations via Teams give you a chance to see Thrive-Online in action, have your questions answered and decide if our service is a fit.

Book a FREE Thrive-Online demo


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