What pupils, parents and teachers think about Thrive's impact on attendance

20th September 2023 | Blogs

Attendance is “the biggest crisis currently facing schools”

Recently described by Dame Rachel de Souza as “the biggest crisis currently facing schools and policy makers”, attendance continues to be a challenge across the UK.

Thrive is on a mission to help combat the attendance crisis and support schools and settings to understand the underlying reasons behind absence and create cultures that remove barriers to learning.

Hear from educators, parents and pupils as they share their experiences of Thrive and the difference it has made.


Leader perspectives

Thrive has impacted on exclusions
"Thrive has impacted on exclusions. Students that have come in the cohort we have here at the moment have reduced exclusions by 81% over the time they are here. And a reduction in exclusions obviously has an impact and improvement on attendance." - Ed Stanton. Head of Academy, The Elland Academy. Read the full case study.

Truancy levels have dropped dramatically
"The biggest difference we've observed so far in our journey with Thrive is that truancy levels have dropped dramatically. We've seen children who used to either leave the site or spend most of the day hiding in the toilets, seek out Thrive Practitioners to have a discussion about why they are having problems."  - Samantha Strange. Personalised Learning Centre Manager, Northfields School and Sports College. Read the full case study.

Attendance is above the national average
"We have had our record SATs results for the last three years, exit data is very strong, attendance is above the national average, and we don't have any fixed term exclusions this year." - Natalie Mancine. Headteacher, Parkside Middle School.

Ofsted praising the improvements the school has achieved 
“Many of the pupils have previously had negative experiences of education which have resulted in issues with attendance, with some pupils not having attended school for up to two years. Enhanced Learning Services prides itself on adopting a multi-disciplinary approach to deal with this through the Thrive Approach and a focus on outdoor learning, using the school’s nearby farm as the setting for horticulture and animal care sessions. As a result, attendance rates currently stand at between 78 and 92 per cent with Ofsted praising the improvements the school has achieved for many pupils in this area as well as noting that pupils now enjoy school.” - Jason Goddard. Director, Enhanced Learning Services. Read the full case study.


Parent and pupil perspectives

I felt a glimmer of hope
“Beth started to refuse to go to the farm that she'd initially loved. Of course, she couldn't keep up the pretense forever. The same old feelings resurfaced in her and in me - the dread. It was happening again. Now what? But that's when I felt a glimmer of hope. Amanda was there and she actually got it. For the first time in 15 years, someone understood. I didn't hear annoyance in her voice, I didn't see the look or hear the sigh that said, ‘you've just got to show her that you are in charge.’ Instead, I got understanding and support and so did Beth.” - Parent of a pupil, Tuition Extra.
Thrive helped my daughter find her voice
“Guneev was diagnosed with separation anxiety, which was causing her physical vomiting. Through Thrive, I would hand her over to Miss Baggot in the mornings and they worked with Guneev through play and talking to help her process her feelings. Being in a class of 30 children, it was quite difficult for Guneev to get the attention she needed and say, ‘Look I’m really worried about something.’ Thrive helped her to do that.” - Shani Boyal. Parent, Hagley Primary School.
I'm happy to come to school
“I was doing half days and I had to go home at dinnertime because of the fights I was getting into. That wasn’t very fun for me or my mum. I feel quite good about school now, I’m happy to come to school, I’m happy about the work, I can go to class without being wound up now.” - Lewis. Pupil, Penywaun Primary School.
They made me feel welcome
“When I first came here, I was, to be honest, not a good person. I would always get angry. I’d always not go to lessons. But then I got settled down and they made me feel welcome, the teachers, and I just calmed down.” - Annie. Pupil, The Elland Academy.
I wouldn't be able to cope in lessons
“I don’t think I’d be here. I think I’d be excluded or permanently excluded. Because if I didn’t have Thrive, I wouldn’t be able to cope in lessons.” - Kayden. Pupil, Fortis Academy. 


Listen to our podcast 'How to build trusting and open relationships with parents and carers'

Enjoyed reflecting on the parent perspectives in this article? In the podcast, Rose Webb, Thrive’s Policy, Practice and Innovation lead, explains the benefits that a trusting and open relationship between home and school can bring for staff, parents and carers and, of course, for children and young people.
Listen Now

Over to you

To date, over 75,000 educators and support staff have received Thrive training, ensuring that over 795,000 children and young people have access to the Thrive Approach – changing lives and improving pupil attendance, behaviour and attainment, as well as staff wellbeing. 

Are you ready to join them? Book a Discovery Call with a member of the team to find out how. 

Tags: Attendance

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