Thrive joins national DfE initiative to tackle school absenteeism
6th January 2025 | Blogs
Thrive is playing a pivotal role in the Attendance Mentoring Pilot Expansion (AMPE) project, a major Department for Education initiative aimed at testing the impact of mentoring on reducing persistent absenteeism in schools across England.
Meridian High School: Calmer classrooms and happier teachers
1st September 2024 | Case Studies
How Thrive has helped this London secondary school to remove barriers to learning

The rise of attendance mentors in schools and how they help
29th August 2024 | Blogs
This blog highlights the importance of attendance mentors in improving pupil attendance and wellbeing. It covers how mentors address absenteeism's root causes, such as emotionally based school avoidance, and shares success stories from schools using the Thrive Approach.

Masefield Primary School: From attainment struggles, to top 3% in the country
12th March 2024 | Blogs | Case Studies | Thrive Schools of Excellence
Masefield introduced Thrive in 2021 after grappling with academic achievement, low-level disruptive behaviour, and an increasing number of children struggling socially and emotionally. Faced with long waiting lists for external services and a lack of knowledge around emotional wellbeing among staff, Head of School, Andy Done, decided to explore the benefits of Thrive.
What is driving pupil absence in our schools? New research on school attendance
18th January 2024 | Blogs
ImpactEd Evaluation launched a national research project to help schools and trusts identify the drivers behind low attendance in their contexts and consider what initiatives they can put in place to address this. In this blog, we explore some of the key findings from their Understanding Attendance report.

How to tackle persistent absenteeism in schools

Barking and Dagenham primary is named a School of Excellence for mental health
7th November 2023 | News | Thrive Schools of Excellence
Rose Lane Primary School has held a celebration of mental health which was attended by pupils, staff, governors and senior local authority staff to mark its achievement in becoming a Thrive School of Excellence.
Simple strategies that can help MATs to prioritise attendance
What pupils, parents and teachers think about Thrive's impact on attendance
20th September 2023 | Blogs
Hear from educators, parents and pupils as they share their experiences of Thrive and the difference it has made.

How I introduced Thrive at a new setting – which went on to be rated Outstanding in its first year
19th September 2023 | Blogs | News | Thrive Ambassador Schools
Leah Roberts, Family, Inclusion and Wellbeing Coordinator at Dovecote School, in Somerset, explains the steps they took to effectively embed Thrive into a brand new setting.