Pupil referral unit recognised for sensitively responding to developmental needs

22nd November 2021 | In the news

Voyage Learning Campus has been named an Ambassador School after going through a rigorous assessment process with Thrive®.

A school in Weston has won an award for its focus on pupil's wellbeing.

Voyage Learning Campus is a referral unit for young people, offering educational provision to pupils who are not able to attend mainstream schooling due to disability or because they have been permanently excluded. The school has two sites in Weston.

The award names the campus as a Thrive Ambassador School, with excellence in four areas including leadership and environment.

The scheme, based in Devon, recognises the hard-work of schools to 'better understand and respond sensitively to children's developmental needs'.

Rose Webb, Thrive relationship manager for the South West, said: "Voyage Learning Campus is a special place where staff and pupils have worked hard together to create a positive and nurturing learning experience.

"It's an inspiring school that works pro-actively with mainstream schools and it richly deserves to be seen as an exemplar of good practice." Four areas the award recognised as 'excellent' was environment, leadership, reparative and right-time.

The right-time award focussed on the school's help for pupils to understand their emotions and the role they play in positive mental health.

The reparative award recognises schools which have excelled in helping children who have gaps in their social and emotional development successfully met their needs.

Voyage Learning Campus was also recognised for its leadership team in prioritising mental health and life skills.

Principal Emma Gundry said: "The Thrive Approach helps us to plug the developmental gaps they have so they can regulate their emotions and feel calmer and happier.

"One of our aims is to be a centre of excellence for children who have experienced difficulties or trauma and Thrive gives us the tool kit and strategies to be able to do that.

"I'm delighted that the hard work of everyone in the team, as well as our parents and pupils, has paid off and been recognised in this way."

Over to you

Are you leading the way in developing happy, emotionally-resilient children or young people? Are you feeling the impact of embedding the Thrive Approach throughout your setting? You too may be eligible for Thrive Ambassador School status. Click here to find out how to apply.

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