Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing


What is a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing?

A whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing is a collaborative effort to improve outcomes for children and young people.

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Implementing a whole school approach involves identifying and addressing the needs of pupils, staff and the wider community and creating an environment that removes barriers to learning.

In line with Public Health England’s 8 principles of a whole school approach, Thrive provides expert training and an online tool that will empower you to not only promote mental health and wellbeing, but improve behaviour, attendance and attainment throughout your setting.


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Thrive in Action

Whether you’re interested in exploring Thrive theory, curious about what the Approach looks like in practice, or on the fence about whether we’re a fit for your setting, these free webinars have got you covered.

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If you’re curious about Thrive or ready to join the 75,000+ educators already impacting the lives of children and young people by teaching social and emotional skills, schedule a Discovery Call with a member of the team.

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5 simple steps to a whole school approach


1. Develop the skills and knowledge to use Thrive

Individual and whole staff training will ensure everyone understands the principles and language of Thrive and how to embed it as a whole school initiative. Training includes: Leading Emotionally Healthy Settings, Licensed Practitioner Training and a Whole School Induction.


2. Identify social and emotional needs using Thrive-Online

Profile groups, classes and individuals to see where they are in their social and emotional development and create action plans for those who need additional support. Learn more about Thrive-Online.


3. Implement targeted action plans

Choose practical strategies and activities to help your pupils manage their behaviour, build emotional resilience and become more open to learning.


4. Monitor progress and review action plans

Track the difference Thrive is making and share progress easily with key stakeholders. Make data-informed decisions and adjust action plans to ensure the best outcomes.


5. Enhance your practice with the support of Thrive experts

Take advantage of the comprehensive package of support available to Thrive members – from free Network Meetings, to weekly Supervision Sessions and personal support calls.

Who should lead a whole
school approach?

Learn more

A whole school approach is most effective when it is championed and role modelled by the leadership team from the top down.

The Department for Education is encouraging schools and colleges to identify a Senior Mental Health Lead who is responsible for overseeing their setting’s whole school or college approach.

Thrive offers DfE quality-assured training for Senior Mental Health Leads which is fully funded for schools and colleges in England.

Discover the impact of a whole school approach

For the senior leaders and classroom staff at over 2,800 settings, the Thrive Approach is reducing exclusions, boosting attendance and improving behaviour. But don’t just take our word for it – dive into our case studies and hear from the inspiring educators transforming lives through a whole school approach to wellbeing.

Cullompton Pre-School case study

Why creating special relationships is key to everything at Cullompton Pre-School

"Children can come into our busy setting feeling quite overwhelmed and unsettled and the Thrive Approach is the quickest way to help them move past that."

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Kaizen Primary School case study

‘Our children say how they feel so we can resolve problems before they occur’

Read how the Thrive Approach has helped this London school to occupy a unique place at the heart of its community.

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South Green Junior School case study

South Green Junior School saves money on staffing and interventions

Discover how Thrive has enabled staff to identify and support ‘invisible’ children, removed barriers to improve attainment, and saved the school time and money on interventions.

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Fortis Academy case study

How Fortis Academy's KS3 roll-out boosted resilience and pupils' potential

Discover the ‘life-changing’ training experienced by the staff at Fortis Academy, how non-attenders are now happy to come to school, and why parents love what Thrive has done for their children.

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Transition 2 case study

College for disabled young people shares the benefits of Thrive

In this short video, Co-Founder and Head of Service at Transition 2, Janine Cherrington, shares how Thrive is being used to support young people with severe learning difficulties, autism and complex needs.

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Tuition Extra case study

How emotional regulation helped to unlock our students' attainment

In this 2 minute video case study, Ruth Minhall, Executive Head of Tuition Extra, explains how embedding Thrive has helped it to remove barriers to students' learning, resulting in a 95% pass rate for GCSEs.

Learn more

Book a Discovery Call

If you're ready to join the 75,000+ educators taking action to improve the life chances of children and young people, schedule a Discovery Call with a member of the team.

Designed to fit in around your schedule, these free 30-minute conversations via Teams give you a chance to have your questions answered and decide if our service is a fit for your needs.

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