Whole Staff training

Explore a range of group training sessions that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your school or setting.

Help your team discover the principles and language of the Thrive Approach and learn how to embed Thrive as a whole-school initiative. This training will teach staff simple strategies to reduce pupils’ anxiety, improve their wellbeing and enhance their ability to learn.


Find a course that's right for  you

Keynote: A Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing

In this 2-hour webinar for primary and secondary school staff and leaders, Amy Sayer will share practical techniques to effectively support the mental health and wellbeing of staff and pupils across your setting.

Keynote: The impact of play on learning - at all ages and stages

Sandra Teacher explores what play looks like for different age groups and for different strands of development.

Keynote: Fuelling progress and hope

Lorraine Lee explores how to inspire children and young people to believe that progress, change, growth and achievement are possible for them.

Keynote: Weaving wellbeing into classroom practice

Alison Waterhouse explores how to support the mental health of children and young people by raising awareness, reducing stigma and supporting mental health issues.

Thrive Induction (Early Years)

Equip all your staff with the fundamental concepts and language of Thrive as you start or refresh your Thrive journey.

Thrive Induction (Childhood)

Equip all your staff with the fundamental concepts and language of Thrive as you start or refresh your Thrive journey.

Thrive Induction (Adolescence)

Equip all your staff with the fundamental concepts and language of Thrive as you start or refresh your Thrive journey.

Thrive Induction (Specialist Settings)

Support every member of your team to understand their role in implementing a whole-school approach to Thrive

Staff Training Day (Childhood)

A one-day training course for all the staff in your school, introducing them to how they can support the social and emotional development of all children.

Staff Training Day (Adolescence)

One-day training course for all the staff in your school, introducing them to how they can support the social and emotional development of all young people.

Staff Training Half-day Top-up (Childhood)

A further half-day training course for all the staff in your school, to help them support the social and emotional development of all children.

Staff Training Full-day Top-up (Childhood)

A further one-day training course for all the staff in your school, to help them support the social and emotional development of all children.




 Contact us to discuss how the Thrive Approach can help you